Thursday, May 27, 2010

News---May Rainfall Disrupts Stones River NBP; National Cemetery, McFadden Farm, Bragg Headquarters, Visitors Center Affected

Flooding at Stones River National Battlefield, May 1-2, 2010, Stuart K. Johnson, Superintendent, Stones River National Battlefield, Tennessee

In less than 48 hours on Saturday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2, Stones River National Battlefield received nearly 11 inches of rain. Nashville, only 30 miles to the northwest, received over 15.5 inches. Members of the park staff responded quickly and effectively to the situation and were able to keep the visitor center and headquarters building open and functional throughout, despite flooding in the basement. The facility was not permanently damaged, and flood related repairs to the elevator were undertaken the following week. A malfunctioning sump pump was also replaced.

Portions of the Battlefield and National Cemetery were flooded. The tour loop at the Nashville Pike Unit was closed for two days as was the McFadden Farm unit, which was partially flooded by the West Fork of Stones River. The Bragg Headquarters site, which is within a Murfreesboro city park, was also closed for several days. All other sites within the park--Cemetery, Fortress Rosecrans, Redoubt Brannan and Rosecrans Headquarters--remained open to the public despite some areas of standing water.

Elsewhere, several sections of replica historic fencing were damaged and
there were some areas of trail erosion and soil slumping. Nevertheless, there does not appear to be any significant, permanent damage to the park's fields, cedar glades or cultural landscapes.

CWL: The above text was supplied upon my request by Stuart K. Johnson whose contact information is below.

Image Sources: Nashville Public Radio

Stuart K. Johnson, Superintendent, Stones River National Battlefield
3501 Old Nashville Hwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Phone:615-893-9501 Cell:615.944.0356 Fax:615-893-9508

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