Thursday, January 27, 2011

Media Invitation----Hear Yourself On The Radio Talking About The American Civil War

Catherine V. Moore, one of the producers of the public radio program BackStory, which is based at Charlottesville's Virginia Foundation for the Humanities and hosted by Ed Ayers, Peter Onuf, and Brian Balogh. She and the hosts are currently in the process of producing a three-part series on the Civil War, and reaching out to you because we could use a little help for the third show in that series, which will be composed entirely of listeners calling in and asking Civil War-related questions of our History Guys.

The other two shows are Secession Crisis! and Why Fight? . Normally the producers gather up callers from those who comment on our website and Facebook page, but we'd like to open this up to those who may not be aware of BackStory show but who have a curiosity about the Civil War.

The producers feel that readers of CivilWarLibrarian might be interested in participating. BackStory is having a call-in session this Sunday. BackStory ( is a nationally-aired public radio show that brings historical perspective to the events happening around us today. On each show, the U.S. historians Ed Ayers, Peter Onuf, and Brian Balogh tear a topic from the headlines and plumb its historical depths.

Being a caller is really simple and takes about 15 minutes; it's pre-taped, low-pressure, and a lot of fun! If you are interested in participating as a caller and posing a Civil War question to the History Guys, either email producer Catherine Moore or leave a comment on the Civil War Call-In Show's webpage: ( They look forward to hearing from readers of CivilWarLibrarian.
Any help you might be willing to lend the producers will be appreciated! Here is the contact information for Catherine V. Moore, assistant producer of BackStory With the American History Guys which is sponsored by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Radio. Phone: 304-574-6120. Email:

Text and Images Source: BackStory With the American History Guys

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