1. Now glue bound instead of staple bound
2. Thicker paper used for cover; more glossy
3. Articles: 3 in number focusing on sesquicentennial remembrance
4. New Section: Documents. Includes Henry E. Jacob's recollections of November 19, 1863; John Hay's description of the Address; Ward Hill Lamon's recollections of the Address; Woodrow Wilson's 1913 address, FDR's 1938 speech at Peace Light Memorial
5. Two advertisements: inside front cover--Adams County Historical Society; last pag--University of Nebraska Press' series This Hallowed Ground which consists of seven guides to the Civil War battlefields
6. Cover, back cover and inside back cover are contemporary color photographs
7. Total page count: 74
Over all, Issue 50 is not a military issue but is an historic character and contemporary author reflection issue.
The University of Nebraska Press' website notes:
"The University of Nebraska Press is proud to announce that Professor James S. Pula of Purdue University will be the new editor beginning with Issue 50. He is currently accepting submissions for future issues."
Text Source: University of Nebraska Press
Image Source: CWL scan of Issue 50 cover
1 comment:
I was a little disappointed in the issue considering the lack of battle articles, but what I missed most was the forward written by legendary historian, Ed Bearss! I hope the new publisher brings him back, but this may be the beginning of a new era with the magazine.
Mike Fitzpatrick
Massapequa Park, NY
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