Review Source: H-Civil War, Christopher Rein, Combat Studies Institute, The Army Press
Reviewed by Christopher Rein (Combat Studies Institute, The Army Press)
Peter S. Carmichael’s The War for the Common Soldier is,
above all else, a pragmatic book. In highlighting the defining
characteristics of the men who fought and suffered through the Civil
War, Carmichael seeks to bridge a widening rift between more popular
celebratory and heroic accounts of soldiers that began shortly after the
end of the war—and, advanced most notably by Bell Wiley, continue, in
some form to the present day—and an increasingly critical view of the
rank and file as unfortunate pawns who, misled by the nationalism that
sparked a misguided rush to the colors, found themselves trapped in an
unforgiving machine that resulted in misery and death for far too many, a
view that seems to have some appeal to those interested in the “darker”
aspects of the sectional conflict.
Thus, the author joins with Union
soldier Amos Judson in pushing back against a “sentimental culture with
its enshrinement of extreme courage and its sanitation of the war’s
most grotesque elements” (p. 230), while still revealing the laudable
conduct and mental agility of soldiers in both armies. As the double
entendre in his title suggests, Carmichael seeks to both explore the
experience for the common soldier as well as weigh in on the
historiographical debate over how he should be remembered. In doing so,
the author provides a very useful theoretical construct for
understanding how Civil War soldiers conceptualized, endured, and
remembered their wartime experiences.
In arguing for a defining sense of pragmatism among
the soldiers of both armies, Carmichael suggests that they were neither
the ideologues suggested by works such as James McPherson’s For Cause and Comrades and Gary Gallagher's The Union War, nor
the helpless victims of a wasteful and destructive conflict. Instead, they adapted to their conditions, rationalized both the
incredible losses around them and their own, at times remorseful
survival, and pragmatically faced the numerous challenges, be they
mental, physical, or emotional.
Though their idealism often eroded, the
author argues that a pragmatic philosophy “never left Northern or
Southern soldiers standing on the barren ground of nihilism” (p. 99).
Well grounded in the relevant secondary literature, but relying
extensively on soldiers’ letters, Carmichael counters the usual
technique of using short snippets to support an argument by developing
longer case studies, or “microhistories” of certain soldiers to place
their evolving thoughts in context, resulting, in a nod to Clifford
Geertz, in a “thick description approach” (p. 175). Most of the seven
chapters (though several deviate from this format) rely on from three to
six of these case studies to provide soldiers’ conceptions of the war,
from resisting the temptation to desert to staying connected with the
home front to rationalizing the hand of providence’s role in victory or
While the examples (apparently despite the best
efforts of Earl Hess) skew heavily toward the Army of the Potomac and
the Army of Northern Virginia, the larger numbers serving in the eastern
theater probably justify the greater emphasis. In an acknowledgement of
the growing importance of the subfield of guerrilla studies, Carmichael
feels compelled to include a full paragraph on why he chose to exclude
this group, despite “some of the most exciting and engaging scholarship
coming out of the field of Civil War history,” as “its inclusion would
have diverted attention away from my primary focus on conventional
armies” (p. 13). The result is a fairly comprehensive cultural and
intellectual history of the common soldier that largely overcomes
concerns about representativeness, though Carmichael accepts that “no
single individual can possibly represent the 2.7 million men who served
in the Union forces and the 1.2 to 1.4 million men who stood in the
ranks of the Confederate military. There was no common soldier in the
Civil War” (p. 12). But the wealth of resources available on those
soldiers who ran afoul of the military’s justice system results in a
slight over representation of that demographic. This review is continued at H-Net.
CWL: Indeed, Carmichaels' work is splendid and opens to readers the lives and letters of Civil War soldiers, in the midst of the war.
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