The themes of The War Begins – 1861 and Key Moments and Commanders of the Gettysburg Campaign will be the focus of Gettysburg National Military Park's Winter 2011 Lecture series. The park's visitors center wil host the events on Saturdays and Sundays beginning on Saturday January 8 and ending Sunday March 13; each meeting begins at 1:30 pm.Visitor Center, Saturdays and Sundays, 1:30 p.m. Lectures from January 8 to February 27 will be held in the center's film Ttheaters and the lectures on March 6, 12, and 13 will be held in the in Ford Education meeting room. Weeks #2 and #9 have only one lecture during the weekend; all other weeks have two lectures.
Week #1:
Saturday, January 8 1861: Jefferson Davis
Sunday, January 9 1861: Abraham Lincoln
Week #2
Saturday, January 15 1861: The Young Napoleon – George McClellan and First Year of the War
Week #3
Saturday, January 22 1861: First Blood: The First Battle of Manassas ; Sunday, January 23 Gettysburg: – Meade Stops Longstreet
Week #4
Saturday, January 29 1861: Equipping the Armies – The Weapons of 1861
Sunday, January 301861: "Promiscuously uniformed and poorly armed” The Creation of the Confederate States Army
Week #5
Saturday, February 5 Gettysburg: Gettysburg Viewed Through a Kaleidoscope of Historical Lenses
Sunday, February 6 1861: "One of the most cowardly and disgraceful acts:” The Destruction of the Norfolk Navy YardApril 21, 1861,
Week #6
Saturday, February 12 1861: Ft. Sumter
Sunday, February 13 1861: "The Other Adams County Goes to War: Natchez, Mississippi and the Civil War.
Week #7
Saturday, February 19 1861: Was the Civil War Avoidable
Sunday, February 20 Subject to be announced
Week #8
Saturday, February 26 Gettysburg: Dan Sickles: The Colorful and Controversial Commander of Gettysburg
Sunday, February 27 Gettysburg: – "Most everything was blown up:” Cushing’s Battery at Gettysburg
Week #9 Sunday, March 6 1861: The Medical Corps Goes to War
Week #10
Saturday, March 12 ) Gettysburg: “An Accidental High Water Mark?”
Sunday, March 13 Gettysburg: – Pomp and Circumstance: The Centennial Celebration at Gettysburg NMP
A PDF of this document is at GNMP's webstite This schedule is subject to change and will be updated as changes occur on the park web site at http://www.nps.gov/gett. For additional information, inquire at the park information desk or call (717) 334-1124, ext. 8023 or 8024.
Image Source: Ranger Greg Coco describes the battle to visitors.
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