Francis August Schaeffer, a 20th century American
theologian, philosopher, and pastor, held to a particular approach to answering the questions
of the age. His illustration of ‘the
universe viewed from two chairs’ promoted the examination of worldviews. Appomattox:
Victory, Defeat, and Freedom At The End Of The Civil War, offers a
discussion of two worldviews; one typified by Robert E. Lee and one typified by
Ulysses S. Grant.
In popular culture, ‘The Brothers War’ comes to an end at Appomattox
Courthouse, April 9, 1865. The very dignified
Robert E. Lee surrenders to the very muddy Ulysses S. Grant. Lee is accompanied by one other staff
officer; Grant brings about a half dozen generals and their staffs. At the surrender ceremony Lee, like during
the war, is vastly outnumbered. Varon’s work views the surrender
ceremony from two chairs: Lee’s and
Grant’s personal interpretation of the surrender.
For Varon, Grant’s terms for surrender
created one spirit of Appomattox; Lee’s interpretation of the terms created
another spirit of Appomattox. Grant’s
view understood the surrender as offering reconciliation; Lee’s view understood
the surrender to recognize that he was overwhelmed by numbers but unbowed. Lee felt Grant understood this. Grant’s terms were not his usual unconditional
surrender terms; Lee’s soldiers left the surrender site with some of their
arms, their horses and food in their stomachs.
Grant’s and Lee’s understandings are contested by Andrew
Johnson, northern Peace Democrats and Copperheads, moderate Republicans and
radical Republicans, the war’s white and black veterans. Should Reconstruction become the war waged by
non-military means and achieve a racial reformation of the South? Varon states and supports the argument that
war left most questions set forth in 1860 unanswered and created new problems. The author is explicit in stating that the
political problems of 1860 were not solved upon the surrender of the
Confederate armies.
Both Lee and Grant believed they transcended politics on
April 9, 1865. For northern soldiers and politicians, individual courage and
God’s cause of justice won the war. For
southern soldiers and politicians, individual courage and the rightness of
their cause was not enough to fend off the immigrant hordes in the Federal army
which supplied by the North’s vast agriculture to deliver food and industry’s capacity
to deliver armaments.
The familiar story of Appomattox is opened up by Varon and
in it she sees a variety of interpretations which the participants held. The author offers both an event based and a
worldview based telling of the surrender and its immediate implications. Confederate, Federal, and African-American
veterans, civilians, and politicians on both sides are well described in their
own words. Using a narrative style that
is accessible to most readers, Varon presents both worldviews with sharp
details. Appomattox: Victory, Defeat, and Freedom At The End Of The Civil War is
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