On July 1, 1863, elements of the Union First Corps under General John Reynolds double-quicked across this property as they moved to the sound of the battle’s opening shots. Biddle's brigade crossed this farm on the way to The Seminary. Reynolds himself fell victim to a Confederate bullet that day – about a mile north of this property – but his timely arrival allowed the Union army to hold the favorable ground that proved so crucial to their success in this epic battle.

On July 3, Confederate General George Pickett led his division over this land, up the slope to Seminary Ridge, and onto the battlefield where the charge that came to bear his name would be bloodily repulsed.
On all three days of the battle, and for many weeks after Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia made its retreat, this farm served as one of the biggest hospitals in all of Gettysburg. More than 1,500 soldiers were treated on this property, including General Hood. There were more than 60 documented burials on the property. The soldiers who were buried there were later reinterred in proper cemeteries.
Both The Seminary Ridge Hospital and The George Spangler Farm Hospital have their histories written. Possibly Ronald Kirkland, the author of the Spangler Farm History which was published this summer, may have an interest in writing the Edward Plank Farm Hospital's history (I am hoping). The Adams County Historical Society has a Confederate surgeon's kit that was left at the farm during the retreat.
Offered above, the maps of the location are at the American Battlefield Trust online. Also, some text above was taken from the American Battlefield Trust.
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