A life-size statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis could stand with the one of Abraham Lincoln at Tredegar Iron Works in Richmond. The Sons of Confederate Veterans is offering to donate a bronze statue of Davis for placement at the National Historic Landmark site to mark this year as the bicentennial of his birth. The $100,000-plus statue by Lexington sculptor Gary Casteel would help educate the public about the Confederate president and how his family took in a mixed-race orphan and serve as a counter to the Lincoln statue that was dedicated in 2003, said Brag Bowling, a Richmond resident and a board member with the national Southern-heritage group. "There were two sides of the war," he said.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans fought the Lincoln statue, which depicts him with his son Tad on his visit to the burned-out Confederate capital in 1865. Bowling said the group isn't trying to cause an uproar but sees a need for historic balance at Tredegar. "The acceptance of that statue would soothe some feelings of Southerners from a few years ago," he said.
Representatives of the Sons of Confederate Veterans are expected to meet next Tuesday with officials from the American Civil War Center, which controls the Tredegar site through an agreement with its owner, NewMarket Corp. Museum President Christy S. Coleman said yesterday that it would be inappropriate to comment before the meeting. "With anything, it's all about content and intent," she said.
The statue of Davis depicts him standing with his son Joe and with Jim Limber, who was a mixed-race child taken in by the Davis family, according to John M. Coski, historian and library director for The Museum of the Confederacy. David Ruth, superintendent of the Richmond National Battlefield Park, said he expects the statue of Davis to be considered just as the Lincoln statue was when it was offered by the U.S. Historical Society.
Its placement would have to be approved by NewMarket, plus the board of directors for the American Civil War Center. The National Park Service could serve as a consultant in the process. The now-defunct Richmond Historic Riverfront Foundation

Ruth said the story of Jim Limber's association with the Davis family could be worth telling, although some details of the relationship aren't clear. Bowling said the Sons of Confederate Veterans commissioned the statue with Casteel. The piece is expected to be finished this fall, and it could be placed to mark the 200th anniversary of Davis' birth or in the walkup to 2011 and the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans is proposing the statue on a granite base with the title "Looking Forward -- Looking Back." A proposed inscription reads, "President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson F. Davis, his son Joseph Evan Davis, and Jim Limber who was a black youth that the Davises rescued from maltreatment and raised as their own. Joseph, called 'Joe,' died during the War Between the States as the result of an accidental fall from a window of the Confederate Executive Mansion known today as the White House of the Confederacy. Jim Limber was captured with the Davis family after the collapse of the Confederacy and was cruelly separated from the Davises by Union soldiers. Mr. Davis tried the rest of his life to find out the fate of the boy, but he was never to be heard of again."
Text Source: http://www.inrich.com/cva/ric/entertainment/arts.apx.-content-articles-RTD-2008-06-10-0139.html
Contact Will Jones at (804) 649-6911 or wjones@timesdispatch.com.
Photo:The Sons of Confederate Veterans commissioned the statue with sculptor Gary Casteel of Lexington at a cost of more than $100,000. It is expected to be finished this fall. Photo By: Sons of Confederate Veterans
CWL--Andrew Jackson adopted a Native American infant who survived the destruction of his Creek tribe. Jackson drew the Red Sticks into a trap at the Battle of Talladega in the fall 1813. It is estimated that over 400 Red Sticks died in the fight. Found among the dead was a male baby which was taken to Andrew Jackson. Jackson decided to adopt him. Though Jim Limber wasn't adopted by Jeff Davis, there is a tradition of children of the vanquished being adopted. The 'cruelly separated' phrase in the inscription appears conjectural and unsupported by evidence.
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